My 600-Lb Life Stars Who Unfortunately Died - The List (2024)

  • Entertainment
  • Reality TV

ByMatt MeltzerandLauren Cahn

My 600-Lb Life Stars Who Unfortunately Died - The List (1)


Which cast members from TLC's "My 600-lb Life" have died? While the show is equal parts inspiring and upsetting, "My 600-lb Life" follows people who have crossed far past morbid obesity into the realm of life-threateningly overweight — and their journey to get healthier. The hit reality show features now-famous Houston doctor Younan Nowzaradan, AKA Dr. Now, whose stringent low-carb, high-protein diet gets contestants prepared for potential bariatric surgery.


While "My 600-lb Life" has featuredsome dramatic transformations, and changed many lives for the better, some contestants haven't fared as well — or even come out alive. While dropping hundreds of pounds during filming "My 600-lb Life" isn't at all abnormal, the health risks of weighing 600, 700, or even 900 pounds are sometimes too much to overcome. And over the course of the show's nine seasons, a number of cast members have sadly died. Here's a look at the people who've appeared on "My 600-lb Life," what they accomplished, and what ultimately led to their deaths.

Henry Foots' cause of death isn't public

My 600-Lb Life Stars Who Unfortunately Died - The List (2)


Henry Foots actually died once before he was pronounced dead on May 16, 2013 (via the Houston Chronicle). The Season 1 fan favorite of "My 600-lb Life" had a pretty successful experience on the show, dropping from nearly 750 pounds all the way down to about 275, according to Starcasm. The affable Texas native was aiming to lose weight for his high school reunion and did a commendable job.


As a result of the weight loss, Henry underwent skin removal surgery to shed some of his leftover skin. During the second surgery, his heart stopped on the operating table, with Henry telling TLC, "There was the light to take me to heaven [but] I wasn't ready for it."

In 2012, Henry was behind the wheel of a shuttle bus when he lost control and sadly killed a woman standing on the street. The accident subsequently led some on the internet to speculate that Henry had died in the crash.This wasn't the case, however, and Henry lived for another year before he died in May 2013. His cause of death hasn't been made public.

Sean Milliken died due to complications

Cameron Park, California's Sean Milliken was one of the biggest stars ever of "My 600-lb Life," tipping the scales at over 900 pounds at his heaviest, according to the Daily Mail. During his time on the show, Sean sought help because he knew he wouldn't live to see 30 at his current weight, and couldn't stand up for more than half a minute. The star left bed for the first time in years to travel to Houston, seeking potentially life-saving surgery with Dr. Now.


Sean's confinement to bed stemmed from a leg injury he suffered during high school. But his overeating began because of his strained relationship with his father. Sadly, Sean's mother died in 2017 due to complications from kidney issues. His father was the one who broke the news of Sean's death to the world via a Facebook post, according to Daily Mail. He said his son had died due to complications from an infection, adding that his son had been a good man with a good heart.

James King ultimately died of kidney failure

When James King appeared on "My 600-lb Life" during Season 5, he was the heaviest cast member in history at an astonishing 791 pounds, according to The Sun. By the time the program's "My 600-lb Life:Where Are They Now?" spinoff aired, he'd shot up to 840 pounds. James got so heavy that Dr. Now even called Adult Protective Services on James' wife, assuming she was illicitly feeding her husband while he was in the hospital trying to lose weight ahead of surgery. James was summarily let go from Dr. Now's program.


James was never in fantastic health, ending up in intensive care in 2017 for cirrhosis, kidney failure, and sepsis; according toThe Sun,this led to premature rumors of his death. By 2020, James' health had worsened, and after an extended stay in the hospital, he ultimately died of kidney failure. One source told The Sun that James went into septic shock and died weighing about 500 pounds. "He would have been proud of himself," the unnamed insider told the tabloid. James' funeral was kept private as his death occurred during the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

Robert Buchel died of a heart attack

My 600-Lb Life Stars Who Unfortunately Died - The List (5)


New Jersey native Robert Buchel became the first person to die while filming his episode of "My 600-lb Life"when he passed away of a heart attack on November 15, 2017, according to Starcasm. He'd joined Dr. Now's program in hopes of losing weight ahead of his upcoming wedding, and made pretty good progress at first. Robert's weight peaked at 842 pounds, but he shed 124 of them during his first month on the program. He lost 98 more pounds at a rehab center, then another 78 before he had surgery to remove a lymphedema mass that made losing weight harder.


But after the surgery, things got dark for Robert. Though he'd lost 340 pounds and was down to a manageable 502, Robert had also developed an addiction to pain medication. The addiction was so strong at one point, Starcasm reported, he tore some of his surgical stitches trying to get more painkillers. Robert went back to rehab but reportedly wouldn't exercise at all without pain medication. Ultimately, he suffered a heart attack and died. Dr. Now commented in memoriam, "Robert battled an addiction and lost but he never gave up."

James Bonner died by suicide

My 600-Lb Life Stars Who Unfortunately Died - The List (6)


While some of the stars of "My 600-lb Life" who've sadly died did so due to health complications brought on by their weight, James "L.B." Bonner's story is far darker. He had a relatively successful experience on "My 600-lb Life," going from 642 pounds at the show's beginning to a noteworthy 324 pounds, according to TMZ. And his weight loss continued even after the cameras stopped rolling.


But losing weight didn't quiet whatever "demons" haunted him, and in the summer of 2018, he penned a foreboding Facebook post, saying, "I just want to say thank you to everyone who has shown me love and support throughout my journey... I've realized a few things over the last few days and it's time that I face my demons head on."Later that week, L.B. was found dead in a park in his hometown of Lexington, South Carolina, the victim of a gunshot wound to the head. Shortly after, local policeruled the death a suicide. He was only 30.

If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline​ at​ 1-800-273-TALK (8255)​.

Lisa Fleming died of poor health

My 600-Lb Life Stars Who Unfortunately Died - The List (7)


One of the more shocking cast members to ever appear on "My 600-lb Life" was then 49-year-old Lisa Fleming. The Mobile, Alabama native revealed during the show she'd turned to eating as a child to deal with her parents' divorce; she later developed an even unhealthier relationship with food when her mother used eating to punish her. According to The Cinemaholic, one particularly disturbing incident involved Lisa's mother forcing her to eat an entire cake by herself after she'd tasted some without permission.


Lisa also told a story of finding maggots in the folds of her skin after she topped out at over 700 pounds. That stomach-turning episode led her to seek help, which she found with Dr. Now and "My 600-lb Life." While on the program, Lisa was confined to bed, and needed seven paramedics to get her out, according toTMZ. And though Lisa's daughter told TMZthat she had been ill before the show, Lisa managed to lose 200 pounds after filming wrapped. Still, Lisa's poor health ultimately got the better of her, and in late August 2018 she died, the second cast member to die that month after James Bonner.

Kelly Mason had a heart attack in her sleep

One of the most heartbreaking patients ever to appear on "My 600-lb Life" was Kelly Mason. The North Carolinian came to Dr. Now weighing in at over 700 pounds, suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, thyroid issues, a pulmonary embolism, and a blood clot in her leg. Oh, and she'd also just been in the hospital for congestive heart failure, according to Distractify. As Dr. Now so bluntly put it, "Every day is a question of whether you'll survive or not."


But Kelly worked hard. After Dr. Now sent her to a hospital, she dropped 100 pounds. She lost another 220 while prepping for weight loss surgery, and ultimately lost 324 pounds while awaiting surgery. "It feels like the first day of a new life, actually," she said when leaving the hospital. Unfortunately, in one of the saddest moments in the show's history, audiences saw Dr. Now take a call from the Houston coroner telling him Kelly died of cardiac arrest in her sleep. She was the second cast member to pass away during filming.

Coliesa McMillan died following a battle with sepsis

My 600-Lb Life Stars Who Unfortunately Died - The List (9)


The most recent cast member of "My 600-lb Life" to pass away was Coliesa McMillan, a Season 8 star who dropped 150 pounds during her time on the show, according to The Cinemaholic. While an impressive feat, Dr. Now still didn't feel Coliesahad lost enough weight to qualify for weight loss surgery. But she complained of chronic stomach pain, and Dr. Now feared she might have a blockage in her intestines that would prove fatal. Coliesa'sweight made it impossible to determine what was causing the pain, so Dr. Now did the weight loss surgery despite his gut feeling.


Soon after the surgery, Coliesabegan experiencing more issues. According to Starcasm, Coliesa'sniece reported that a suture from her aunt's gastric sleeve popped, causing severe sepsis. Coliesa was then on a ventilator for two and a half weeks, before being put into a medically induced coma and placed on life support. Though she survived, it wasn't for long, as she ultimatelydied in September 2020 (via TMZ).

Destinee LaShaee's cause of death is unknown

For Destinee LaShaee, weight loss was just one of the important transformations they bravely underwent in their short life. Assigned male at birth, LaShaee was the first person identifying as transgender to appear on "My 600-lb Life."Their February 8, 2022 death at age 30 was confirmed by their brother, Wayne Compton (viaFacebook). No cause of death was given butCompton's Facebook elegy, which includes the words, "I'm sorry you felt you had no other option," suggests that LaShaee may have died by suicide.


LaShaee, who had endured several tragedies over the course of their life, including the deaths of a brother and a sister, had been open with the public about their mental health issues, most notably, depression. During filming of "My 600-lb Life," they were quoted as saying "food is the only thing I can turn to" in coping therewith. Four days before their death, they posted on Facebook about their ongoing sadness.

Ironically, just days earlier, on January 24, 2022, LaShaee was celebrating their dramatic weight loss on Instagram.According to People, LaShaee weighed nearly 700 pounds when they began their weight loss journey, depicted in Season 7 of the TLC show in 2019. Over the course of the next three years, they lost more than 500 pounds.


If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline​ by dialing 988 or by calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255)​.

Gina Krasley struggled with her health

Gina Krasley weighed 607 pounds at the start of her work with Dr. Now and needed to get down to the low 500s before she could have the weight loss surgery she wanted. Although Krasley eventually lost in the vicinity of 300 pounds, it didn't happen during her tenure on the show. PerStarcasm, Krasley's apparent struggles with overeating made for dramatic tv. However, according to a lawsuit filed by Krasley against the show's producers in 2020 for "negligence and intentional affliction of emotional distress," the reality was not as it was portrayed on the show. Krasley claimed her efforts at losing weight were systematically undermined by demands that she overeats (viaE! News).


Only in the aftermath of production was Krasley able to move the scale significantly — ultimately down nearly 300 pounds, as she revealed in a YouTube video from March 2021. Unfortunately, her health seemed only to decline in the months that followed as she documented her struggles with pain and difficulty walking. Krasley died on August 1, 2021, at the age of 30, surrounded by loved ones, at her home in Tuckerton, New Jersey, according to her obituary. A cause of death was not offered and remains unknown to the public.

An infection led Ashley Randall to get sepsis

Texas native, Ashley Randall, was 24 when she began documenting her weight loss journey in 2004, which was featured in the first season of "My 600-lb Life" in 2012. One of the younger members of the show, Randall inspired empathy from viewers who felt that some members of her family — most notably, her mother — failed to emotionally support her throughout her weight loss journey as well as throughout her childhood (via Reddit).


Randall, who weighed 617 pounds at the start of her arc, got down to 253 by the end of her time on the show with the help of weight loss surgery. With some additional effort post-production, she ultimately got down to 216. Unfortunately, Randall's weight loss efforts began stalling in the wake of her father's death in 2011."I wanted to keep losing that weight because my dad would have wanted me to," Randallsaid in 2016 (via the Daily Mail), by which she had regained about 100 of the pounds she'd lost.

Enlisting Dr. Now's help once again, Randall lost some of the weight — this time with her mother's support. Her goal weight was to be below 200 pounds but it's unknown if she ever reached this by the time of her death on October 2, 2021. Apparently, Randall died of sepsis, which arose out of an infection.


Renee Biran's cause of death is not known

Renee Biran, an alum of Season 6 of "My 600-lb Life" in 2018, died on May 14, 2021, according to her obituary.Her life was relatively brief, but it would appear that she did quite a lot of living during her time on Earth.


The mother of six andgrandmother to 28 was a tenure on the inspirational TLC program. Biran also did plus-size modeling and spent time as an adult entertainer on the niche online platform, "Massive Mocha" (viaThe Cinemaholic). Sadly, it was during her time as a "Massive Mocha" entertainer that Biran's weight began veering dangerously upward.

By the time her weight loss journey began on the show, Biran weighed 631 pounds. After losing a significant amount of weight through dieting, she underwent gastric bypass surgery, ultimately getting down to 381 pounds. Her plans to continue pursuing better health, including excess skin resection surgery, were unfortunately derailed in 2019 when she was diagnosed with the autoimmune condition, Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Although this was around the time that she stopped posting to social media, it isn't named as her cause of death, which appears unknown to the public at this time.


My 600-Lb Life Stars Who Unfortunately Died - The List (2024)


My 600-Lb Life Stars Who Unfortunately Died - The List? ›

Lisa Fleming, who was featured on My 600-lb Life died Thursday, just months after appearing on the TLC reality series. She was 50. Her daughter Danielle announced her mother's death on Facebook. Fleming died at her Texas home.

Who recently died from my 600 pound life? ›

Lisa Fleming, who was featured on My 600-lb Life died Thursday, just months after appearing on the TLC reality series. She was 50. Her daughter Danielle announced her mother's death on Facebook. Fleming died at her Texas home.

How many cast members from My 600 Pound Life died? ›

The series celebs who have died include Henry Foots, Sean Milliken, James King, James "LB" Bonner, Lisa Fleming, and Coliesa McMillian. In addition, Renee Biran, Gina Krasley, Ashley Randall, Laura Ann Perez, and Destinee LaShaee are reality stars who sadly passed away.

Do patients on My 600-lb Life get paid? ›

According to Starcasm, each cast member gets a flat $1,500 appearance fee, often referred to as a "talent fee," that covers the roughly 12-month shooting schedule for each episode. Other reports suggest that the patients get up to $4,000 and are also allotted a $2,500 relocation fee if they have to move for the show.

Who had maggots on my 600 pound life? ›

Lisa Fleming weighed in at more than 700 pounds when she appeared on TLC reality show My 600lb Life – and at her heaviest, was stunned to find maggots living on her body.

How much of My 600-lb Life is staged? ›

Show alum Steven Assanti answered that question in a since-deleted, live-streamed Facebook video in January 2018. According to the Rhode Island native, there's no acting involved — but he did admit that producers asked him to reshoot scenes on more than one occasion. "Is this show real? Yes.

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Failed lawsuits

Nowzaradan who appeared on the series, as well as the family of one patient, L.B. Bonner, who died by suicide, had brought suits against the show's production company, Megalomedia, alleging negligence and claiming that the company failed to cover medical costs.

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Christina Phillips

Her inspirational journey on My 600 Lb. Life began with fear, futility, and a darkness that only makes her success story more delightful. After getting gastric bypass surgery, Christina vowed to shed 500 pounds and ended up getting down to a staggering 183 pounds by the end of her time on the show.

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Now told JT he would be able to have a lymphedema mass removal surgery a few months later. JT was the second-heaviest person to appear on My 600-Lb. Life after season 4's Sean Milliken, who started at 919 pounds and lost 510 pounds. Sean sadly died in 2019.

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Karina's life wasn't free from controversy.

This action resulted in the reopening of stitches and wounds. Her weight-loss journey had dramatic highs and lows. However, she did manage to shed a lot of pounds. These days, Gilbert and Karina are spending much more time together.

What happened to Robin and Garrett on 600-lb life? ›

A January 2023 episode of My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? revealed Garrett had moved back to Kansas to be with his father. Robin and her husband James joined him to spend the COVID-19 shutdown in Kansas. Although they could not meet with Dr. Now again, they were able to maintain their weight loss.

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Synopsis. Caleb Willingham, known for his appearance on the popular TLC reality show "1000-Lb. Sisters" as the spouse of Tammy Slaton, has tragically passed away at the age of 40. The sad news was confirmed by his stepmother, who has not disclosed the specific cause or additional information surrounding his death.

What happened to Shannon's 600-lb life? ›

The My 600-lb Life star only lost 80 pounds, which wasn't enough for her to qualify for bariatric surgery. According to the bariatric surgeon, she needed to lose at least 150 lbs to proceed with the operation. She parted ways with Dr. Now with her surgery in question.

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In the hospital, Schenee managed to drop 91 pounds, but had a difficult time maintaining her weight loss once she was released. She put on at least 40 pounds and ultimately cut off contact with Dr. Now, as she found it too difficult to meet his standards.

What happened to Lisa Fleming on My 600-lb Life? ›

Lisa was able to lose 200 pounds after appearing on My 600-Lb Life. Unfortunately, Lisa wasn't able to achieve her weight-loss goal - she died a few months after seeking Dr. Nowzaradan's assistance.

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