KSP2 v0.2.0.0, a game finally arises – Kerbal Space Challenge (2024)

KSP2 v0.2.0.0, a game finally arises

KSP2. Few games have generated as much ink in recent years. Just think:

  • In 2017, Squad was acquired by Private Division.
  • In 2019, a tantalizing trailer for KSP2 was released.
  • In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic (an argument perhaps overused to justify certain shortcomings, in my opinion).
  • In February 2023, KSP2 finally launches amid complete chaos, requiring a powerhouse machine to run a bug-ridden experience and charging €50 for early access. It takes more than 6 months for the studio to announce a gameplay expansion by the end of the year.
  • In March 2023, a wave of layoffs at Private Division raises concerns about the aftermath of the tumultuous launch.
  • On December 19th, the arrival of science and exploration mode.

For my part, I devoted little time to KSP2 between version and This was due to my machine simply unable to meet the game’s technical requirements (1060 6GB). The graphics and lighting management were far from satisfactory in my eyes, compounded by a series of bugs that posed genuine obstacles to an enjoyable gaming experience. Additionally, the absence of essential features carried over from KSP1, such as a satisfactory ΔV calculation, the inability to precisely set maneuver nodes, and the lack of alarm management, also contributed to my reluctance. In a game like KSP, mission planning is crucial! Despite acquiring a new graphics card in May, I barely explored versions to

KSP2 v0.2.0.0, a game finally arises – Kerbal Space Challenge (1)

Well, what can I think about it? As you can imagine, there are both positives and negatives.


Performances. FINALLY! Feedback is remarkably unanimous: the game now demands much less power than before. My graphics card fan, which used to stay constantly active in certain views like the VAB or the map, can finally take a break. There still seems to be room for improvement, as the game hasn’t reached the caliber of titles like Red Dead Redemption 2, which isn’t that recent, or Starfield, known for pushing the most powerful machines to their limits. With my setup consisting of a 5600X and a 6700XT, I can finally play in 4k with settings mostly at maximum, even if it doesn’t necessarily maintain 60 fps, but that suits me perfectly.

Stability. With this version, one finds oneself playing for several hours without anxiously awaiting any manifestation of the Kraken at the slightest of our actions. Special mention to the almost disappearance of wobbly rockets.

Graphics. The lighting is softer, more diffuse, and the game loses that very metallic lighting that I found unappealing. The Blackrack touch is really felt, in the best sense of the term.

The Tech Tree! A true progression is finally introduced, sparking the desire to follow it and come back to the game to continue evolving. This novelty significantly transforms the perception of what the game has to offer.

KSP2 v0.2.0.0, a game finally arises – Kerbal Space Challenge (2)

LeSS Positive

The game still lacks a feature akin to Precise Maneuver. Planning and precisely adjusting a maneuver have become essential for accurate interplanetary transfers. Thanks to the community for providing a mod that fills this gap!

Several shortcomings prevent the optimization of spacecraft construction, and these are often complementary features:

  • No priority management for fuel tank consumption,
  • Unsatisfactory fuel tank consumption as soon as fuel lines are attached,
  • Inability to delete parts in symmetry groups.

It is still very difficult to create an asparagus build, for example.

One can also note the blue reticle indicating the entry and exit points of Sphere of Influence changes. The idea is not bad, but as implemented, it overloads the display, with pixelated fonts that are hard to read and gradients or texture effects reminiscent, to their disadvantage, of EGA graphics from the 1980s.

KSP2 v0.2.0.0, a game finally arises – Kerbal Space Challenge (3)
KSP2 v0.2.0.0, a game finally arises – Kerbal Space Challenge (4)


The list of bugs tagged v0.2.0 is impressive. The ones that have had the most impact on my gameplay are as follows:



The fairing does not protect its contents from heating

Options : disable heat

Parts heat up outside the atmosphere

Options : disable heat

Pods are not slowed down by the atmosphere

Cheat: Teleportation to a safe location

The ΔV calculation is sometimes incorrect in the VAB and during flight

None known to date

NavBall markers disrupt orbital rendezvous

None known to date

In particular, the DeltaV calculator does not know how to handle multiple engines distributed across several tanks as well as fuel lines.

our Assessment

As you can see, there are still many criticisms to be made regarding KSP2. The task remains enormous, and the developers will undoubtedly have a lot of work when they return from their holidays! However, after silently cursing the disastrous February release, exacerbated by poor communication, I finally want to adopt an optimistic stance. For the first time since the beginning of this adventure, I feel that the game is finally on the right track. What’s even better, this new version has prompted me to spend more time on the game since December 19th than I had devoted to its previous versions. Finally, I have been able to experience what one is entitled to expect from a game: playing it to the fullest! It is also remarkable to note that I have spent more time flying planes on Kerbin in KSP2 than during my entire period of activity in KSP1, a sign that the game is enjoyable!

KSP2 v0.2.0.0, a game finally arises – Kerbal Space Challenge (5)
KSP2 v0.2.0.0, a game finally arises – Kerbal Space Challenge (6)

When you spend hours fine-tuning a spacecraft in the VAB, it’s usually a good sign 🙂

Ultimately, this release marks a genuine embrace of the product by players, and I believe that this update, v0.2.0.0, has literally saved KSP2. Finally, a sign that the tide has turned favorably, within the KSC association, we are seriously starting to consider KSP2 as a platform conducive to the creation of exciting challenges!

KSP2 v0.2.0.0, a game finally arises – Kerbal Space Challenge (2024)


Is KSP2 development canceled? ›

The main team behind KSP2. Based on Steam policy for Early Access, Steam has to remove this game, because it cannot leave Early Access anymore (no active development). Except that it's still actively being developed and has been confirmed as such on twitter, yesterday.

Is KSP2 better yet? ›

KSP2 currently only beats the first game in graphics, everything else is parity or inferior, until the Colonies update comes out - With the current update speeds, its not unreasonable to assume Late 2024 for that. And if you're really just excited about the interstellar and colony items on the KSP2 roadmap?

Is KSP2 only sandbox? ›

there is no career right now, its basicly an sandbox mode where you can play in the sandbox and do anything with all things unlocked and it cost 0 money and require 0 research ect. these features are comming in the future ( roadmap ). Yes its very dissapointing they made the game this way.

Is KSP2 on PS5? ›

In June 2021, it was announced via the game's official Twitter account that the game would also be launching on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in 2022.

Does NASA play KSP? ›

ride along on our adventure.” He (Doug Ellison) notes that many at NASA use KSP to experiment in ways that their more unforgiving real-world environment wouldn't allow them to do.

Is KSP kid friendly? ›

I recommend KSP to all people who like science and rockets, I think it is best for kids that are 11 and up, just because it takes a while to learn and might be hard for younger kids to understand, but kids that are 11 and up should be able to manage the game if they are really interested in physics and things like that ...

Is Kerbal realistic? ›

While the game is not a perfect simulation of reality, it has been praised for its largely accurate orbital mechanics; all objects in the game except the celestial bodies are simulated using Newtonian dynamics.

What is the lifespan of a Kerbal? ›

In the game, the average life expectancy for kerbals is 300 years (aging is four times slower than in real life, even though time progresses the same).

Is ksp2 a buggy? ›

But the update is pretty good, the tech tree is well designed, the missions are fun enough, and it's good to have some sensible structure to the gameplay for the first time since 2013. However the game is just too buggy, it has been buggy for a year with little to no sign of improvement, urgency, or caring.

Will KSP be free? ›

Right now, KSP is in Sandbox Complete state, but we want you to try it out and have fun with it. The Demo version is free to download and play, and will remain so forever.

Will ksp2 have multiplayer? ›

Multiplayer is a feature that will be in Kerbal Space Program 2. While it's not known how many players multiplayer will support, it will most likely be either 2 players or between 2-4 players. As we get more details on this and other upcoming features for KSP 2, more information will be added.

Does KSP2 have a campaign? ›

"The 'For Science!' update comes with a brand-new campaign type – Exploration Mode, which adds progression and Science collection through missions, experiments, and journeying through the Kerbolar System.

How many copies did KSP sell? ›

The original Kerbal Space Program, created and developed by Squad, released on PC in April 2015* and has sold more than 5 million units worldwide.

Is KSP a console? ›

Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition and Enhanced Edition Complete bundle is optimized for console players, featuring a completely reworked user interface and new controls.

Is KSP2 ending? ›

Publishers Take-Two have issued a round of layoffs which appear to be affecting this studio, yet few... But the TLDR is there is a lot of layoffs and it appears next month Take-Two is laying off the developers for this game. Which means the end of KSP2 development.

Has Intercept Games been shut down? ›

Kerbal Space Program studio Intercept Games shut down by parent Take Two Interactive. "The other is Seattle-based Intercept Games, maker of the space flight simulation game Kerbal Space Program 2, according to a notice filed with the Washington State Employment Security Department Monday.

Does KSP2 have a release date? ›

What is the lifespan of a Kerbal in KSP? ›

In the game, the average life expectancy for kerbals is 300 years (aging is four times slower than in real life, even though time progresses the same).

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.