Exploring the Growing Trend of Multigenerational House Plans (2024)

Exploring the Growing Trend of Multigenerational House Plans (1)

In today’s fast-paced world, families are redefining what it means to live together under one roof. Gone are the days when multigenerational living was solely a cultural tradition; it’s now a modern lifestyle choice embraced by many. This growing trend of multigenerational house plans is not only reshaping the way we design homes, but also fostering stronger family bonds and financial stability. Let’s explore this fascinating phenomenon and delve into why more and more families are opting for multigenerational living arrangements.

What Are Multigenerational House Plans?

These house plans are specially designed to cater to the needs of multiple generations living under one roof. Whether it’s aging parents moving in with their adult children or young families choosing to live with grandparents, multigenerational house plans offer flexibility, privacy, and spaces tailored to accommodate everyone’s needs. These houses can offer shared living space, or completely separate living quarters as seen in duplex designs. We’ll share some great duplexes for your consideration here!

Exploring the Growing Trend of Multigenerational House Plans (2)

One of the key driving factors behind the popularity of multigenerational living is the rising cost of housing. With housing prices soaring in many areas, pooling financial resources to purchase a larger home for more people makes economic sense for families. By sharing expenses such as mortgage payments, utilities, and maintenance costs, multigenerational households can achieve significant savings compared to maintaining separate residences.

Moreover, multigenerational living promotes a sense of unity and support within the family unit. Grandparents can actively participate in the upbringing of their grandchildren, providing invaluable wisdom and guidance. Additionally, having multiple generations under one roof fosters intergenerational relationships, creating a strong support system for all family members.

Exploring the Growing Trend of Multigenerational House Plans (5)

According to recent statistics, the demand for multigenerational house plans has been steadily increasing in recent years. A study published by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) found that nearly 16% of new homes built in 2020 were designed with multigenerational living in mind. This represents a significant increase from previous years and reflects a shifting societal preference towards more inclusive living arrangements.

Exploring the Growing Trend of Multigenerational House Plans (8)

From a design perspective, multigenerational house plans prioritize functionality and versatility. Beyond the completely separate duplexes you know, homes with “in-law suites” have private entrances, bedroom(s), bathroom(s), and even kitchenettes in their additional accommodations. This allows each generation to enjoy their own space and privacy while still sharing common areas such as the kitchen, living room, and outdoor spaces for quality family time.

In addition to catering to different generations’ needs, multigenerational house plans also prioritize accessibility and aging in place. Features such as wider doorways, grab bars in bathrooms, and step-free entrances ensure that the home remains comfortable and safe for elderly family members, promoting independence and longevity.

In conclusion, the growing trend of multigenerational house plans reflects a fundamental shift in how families choose to live and interact with one another. By embracing this inclusive approach to housing, families can enjoy the benefits of shared living spaces while maintaining privacy and independence. As the demand for multigenerational house plans continues to rise, it’s clear that this trend is here to stay, reshaping the future of home design and family living.

When it comes to finding the perfect multigenerational house plan, The House Designers offers many different architectural styles and interior options. Whether you want something modern, traditional, or somewhere in-between, our House Plan Advisors are here to help! Need assistance with your family-specific accommodations or preferences? Modification services are also available on all of our house plans. Reach out so we can help you find your dream multigenerational house plan today!

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Josh Johnson

Josh Johnson, a home and design enthusiast, brings over a decade of experience in branding, social media, and business development. As a Marketing Assistant with The House Designers, Josh hopes to inspire aspiring homeowners and those in the home construction industry with his unique tips and tricks to find the perfect home plan.

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Exploring the Growing Trend of Multigenerational House Plans (17)

Josh Johnson

Exploring the Growing Trend of Multigenerational House Plans (21)

Josh Johnson, a home and design enthusiast, brings over a decade of experience in branding, social media, and business development. As a Marketing Assistant with The House Designers, Josh hopes to inspire aspiring homeowners and those in the home construction industry with his unique tips and tricks to find the perfect home plan.

Exploring the Growing Trend of Multigenerational House Plans (2024)


Exploring the Growing Trend of Multigenerational House Plans? ›

In conclusion, the growing trend of multigenerational house plans reflects a fundamental shift in how families choose to live and interact with one another. By embracing this inclusive approach to housing, families can enjoy the benefits of shared living spaces while maintaining privacy and independence.

Are multigenerational households on the rise? ›

According to a report by Pew Research Center, the number of people who live in multigenerational households quadrupled between 1971 and 2021, now representing 18% of the US population.

Where is multigenerational living quite common? ›

Top states for multigenerational families

Hawaii had the largest share of multigenerational households: 9.1%. In California, 7.3% of households were multigenerational, as were 6.0% in Texas.

How to design a multi-generational home? ›

Consider how you can configure your floorplan so that each generation has a 'zone' to call their own. That might be a rumpus room for the kids, a master suite with a retreat area for the parents and a ground-floor bedroom and bathroom for the grandparents.

How big should a multi-generational home be? ›

Some of the best multigenerational, or 4500 to 5000 square foot, floor plans keep versatility, privacy, and functionality in mind. Because there are various ages and family members with different special needs living under one roof, a floorplan must consider all the possible scenarios for a large or growing family.

What are the problems with multigenerational homes? ›

Drawbacks of a multigenerational household

Living in close quarters with family members can sometimes lead to conflicts. Differences in opinions, lifestyles, lack of privacy and routines can cause tension and disagreements.

What are the trends in multigenerational households? ›

After declining in earlier decades, multigenerational living has grown steadily in the U.S. since the 1970s. From 1971 to 2021, the number of people living in multigenerational households quadrupled, while the number in other types of living situations is less than double what it was.

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The Differences Within Race and Ethnicity

Let's look at the numbers—in a 2021 Pew Study, 26% of Black and Hispanic households were3% of white households. At 29%, Asian American households had the highest share of multigenerational households.

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White, non-Hispanic children were the least likely to live in a multigenerational household, at 7.8%.

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Cons of Multigenerational Households

With more people comes more social responsibilities, conflicts, and additional opportunities for a mess. Before you commit to having your in-laws or grandparents move in, it is vital to at least acknowledge the disadvantages of homes that are multigenerational.

What are 3 benefits for living in a multigenerational house? ›

Benefits of Multigenerational Households

The families also cite many benefits of living together, including: Enhanced bonds or relationships among family members (79%) Making it easier to provide for the care needs of one or more family members (79%) Improved finances for at least one family member (76%)

Where are multigenerational households most common? ›

While 2020 Census data show that 7.2% of all family households were multigenerational nationwide, county level percentages are wide-ranging, from 0.5% to 31.0%. Multigenerational households were more prevalent throughout the South, Puerto Rico and some western states.

What are the different types of multigenerational housing? ›

2-4 Residential Units – These include duplexes, triplexes, four-plexes, or a single-family home coupled with a duplex on a lot.

What percentage of Americans live in multigenerational homes? ›

According to an analysis of census data from 1971-2021, the number of people living in multigenerational family households quadrupled during that time period, reaching 59.7 million in March 2021. The share more than doubled as well, to 18% of the U.S. population.

What percentage of Americans live in multigenerational households? ›

The number of household with two or more adult generations has quadrupled over the past five decades, according to a Pew Research Center report based on census data from 1971 to 2021. Such households now represent 18% of the U.S. population, they estimate.

How big should a house be for a family of 4? ›

You want to make sure each person living in the home has enough space to be happy and healthy. If you're a family of four, multiply 4 x 600. That would mean you should look for homes around 2,400 square feet.

Is the number of multigenerational families in the United States increasing? ›

According to an analysis of census data from 1971-2021, the number of people living in multigenerational family households quadrupled during that time period, reaching 59.7 million in March 2021. The share more than doubled as well, to 18% of the U.S. population.

What percent of homes are multigenerational? ›

Areas with high living costs, large immigrant populations, and housing shortages are abundant with multigenerational homes, which explains why Hawaii (15.7%) and California (12.3%) report the highest percentages of people in multigenerational households.

What percent of households are multi generational? ›

Share of multigenerational households among families, 2020

The share ranged from less than 1 percent to over 30 percent with the highest shares in the South and West. Overall, 7.2% of all family households in the U.S. were multigenerational.

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