Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (2024)

Steve Gordon | July 8, 2013 | 188 Comments

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (1)
Followthese easy, step-by-step, photo illustrated instructions for making Chicken Pastry from scratch. There’s just something about a big bowl of Chicken Pastry that soothes the soul, anytime of the year. Whether you know it as Chicken Pastry, or as Chicken Dumplings, I think you’ll find it’s much easier to make from scratch than you might have thought. We’ve also got a printable recipe to make it even easier.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (2)
Southern Chicken Pastry, made from scratch recipe.

Chicken Pastry, or Chicken Dumplings? It may not make much difference which name you know it by, it’s just good old southern comfort food at it’s very best. However, at my house, what you see in the picture above was always called Chicken Pastry. Chicken Dumplings were made of thick patties of cornmeal instead of thin strips of flour dough. Mama made both, but Chicken Pastry was my favorite.

As a very young child, I have some strange memories of mama going outside and grabbing one of the chickens walking around the yard. Chickens pretty much roamed free throughout the day. She’d grab one of the older hen’s and head for that big stump of a tree that already had an axe laying up along side of it. Yes, I spent a few years “down on the farm” before we moved to the city. Its a scary thing as a child to see a chicken running all around, flapping its wings… minus a – well, you get the picture. Let’s move on. It wasn’t pretty but… it was a way of life.

I can still see her spreading flour across our kitchen table and rolling out her dough into one big sheet that seemed to almost cover the entire table. Then, she’d take a knife and make quick work of slicing it up into big squares while the chicken stock, along with that old hen, boiled away on the electric stove right behind her.

Mama moved on to buying chickens at the grocery store a few years later, once we landed in the city. Still, she continued to make really big pots of Chicken Pastry a couple of times a month. Sunday dinners around the big oval table, surrounded with family, were just that much better when mama sat that big bowl of Chicken Pastry in the middle. We usually had the preacher and his family over after church and it was always a favorite with all of them.

I must also admit that in her later years, Mama would give in and buy the frozen dough strips as opposed to making her own. Anne’s Dumplings and those flat pastry strips became a part of our family, and like Colonel Saunders, they showed up more and more at ouryearly family reunion dinners.Anne’s makes a great pastry, we used it in the restaurants. Still, nothing takes me back like seeing that big sheet of dough, sliced up and waiting for the big pot. I think you’ll agree once you give our recipe a try. Are you up for it? Alright then… Let’s Get Cooking!

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (3)
Chicken Pastry Recipe: You’ll need these ingredients plus some chicken broth. You don’t need the butter, it just wanted to get in the picture and I said it would be OK… this time.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (4)
You’ll need some cooked chicken. You could certainly use some from a can, but we’re making this from scratch… remember?

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (5)
Begin by opening your package of chicken. Look inside the chicken and remove the neck bone and giblet pieces that are tucked up in there. Set those aside for now but we’ll add them into the pot once we start cooking the chicken.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (6)
Rinse the chicken, inside and out, under cold running water.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (7)
You’ll need to cutup the chicken. I’ll have to save that process for another post. Just use a sharp knife and… Be Careful.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (8)
Place the chicken in a good sized stock pot and cover it with about 4 inches ofwater. Don’t forget to toss in those giblet pieces.Place it on your stove top over Medium heat.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (9)
Cover the pot with a lid.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (10)
Let the chicken cook on a slow boil until it’s done. This will take about 45-55 minutes or so.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (11)
Check the chicken periodically as it cooks. Add more water as needed if the fluid starts getting low. Keep the chicken covered in liquid as it boils.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (12)
Using tongs, remove the chicken from the water when it is done and spread it out in a pan to cool a little. You can turn the burner off under the stock pot while the chicken cools, this will help any fat in the pot to rise to the top.

When it’s cooled enough to handle, remove the meat from the bones. I’m only going to use half the meat in the Chicken Pastry, I’m saving the other half for another recipe.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (14)
Now that the pot has cooled a bit, use a spoon and skim as much fat as you can from the stock that is left in the pot. Just discard the fat.

RESERVE 3/4 cup of the broth by removing it from the pot and setting it aside. We need it to make the dough.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (15)
Place all the bones and scrap pieces back in the pot with the liquid. Add more water if needed, to cover the bone pieces with about 2 inches of water. Place the lid back on the pot and bring this up to a low boil, letting it simmer while you make the pastry dough. Adding the skin and bone pieces back to the pot just adds more flavor. We’ll remove them before we add the pastry strips.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (16)
Measure out the flour into a sifter. Add the salt.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (17)
Sift the ingredients into a large mixing bowl.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (18)
Use your fingers and make a well in the middle of the flour.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (19)
Pour in the reserved chicken broth you removed from the pot earlier.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (20)
Using your fingertips, start make a small circular motion in the middle of the liquid. Keep going around and around in circles, incorporating a little more of the flour from the edges of the bowl as you go. Continue doing this until you’ve worked the flour into the dough ballthat is forming. Lift the dough and flip it over, turning ituntil you can form the dough into a ball. Don’t over work it, just get it to the point to where it sticks together.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (21)
Sprinkle some flour over the top of your counter or cutting board. Cover a large area with it as we’ll be rolling the dough out over this space. Place the ball of dough right in the middle.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (22)
Rub some flour on your rolling pin.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (23)
Gently roll the dough out, working it first in one direction….

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (24)
then in the other direction. Continue to roll itout in this pattern until you’ve stretched the dough out to at least 1/4″ thick or a little thinner.

It’s not necessary to roll it out in a perfect circle. Just work it out as evenly as possible.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (26)
Use a knife, or even a pizza cutter, and slice the dough into strips about 1 inch wide. Mama always made hers larger though.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (27)
Cut across the strips, making pieces about 2 inches long.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (28)
Once it’s all cut, just let the dough rest where its at and lets work on getting that chicken stock fixed.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (29)
Use a slotted spoon and scoop out all of the bones, skin and other pieces from the pot. Make sure you get ALL the bone pieces as it’s not any fun to bite down onto a bone when eating Chicken Pastry. Next, use your chicken granules and start adding a little of the base into the stock you’ve already got. Chances are, the stock will not have enough flavor as it is to make a good pastry. I’m adding some granules and will keep taste testing it as I go to get the desired taste. You could also add ready made chicken broth, like from a carton, if you happen to have that. Just add it slowly and taste it often to get a good taste. It will be a bit salty so be careful. If you should add too much, add in a little warm water to bring the salt taste back down to where you’d like it to be.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (30)
Mama would always pick up several pieces of the pastry dough and drape it across her hand as she moved it from the table to the pot. As I mentioned, her pieces were much larger than what I’ve got here. It was just the way she made hers. Once you’ve got the stock to tasting like you want it too, start dropping the strips of dough into the pot. DO NOT STIR.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (31)
Make sure you don’t stir the strips while you’re adding them. Keep them separated as you drop them in so they can cook just a little on their own. This will prevent them from sticking together so much. As you add more into the pot, look for openings that you can drop the next piece into. The dough strips will sink to the bottom at first but then they pop right back up.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (32)
Let the pastry strips cook for a few minutes after you get it all in the pot. Then, add in the pieces of chicken that you’ve pulled from the bones. Don’t forget, even though I started with a whole chicken, I’m only using half of that in my Chicken Pastry. I’m going to make some homemade Chicken Salad with the rest.

You can gently stir the chicken pieces into the stock and pastry now. Just get the chicken submerged into the liquid enough to keep most of it under the liquid. Do not cover the pot. Let it continue to simmer on Medium-Low heat for about 10-15 more minutes. You can test a piece of the pastry itself to be sure its done. Some folks like it a bit tough and others like it very tender. It’s like pasta, cook it to the degree that you prefer it at.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (33)
If your stock isn’t as thick and creamy as you’d prefer, thicken it up with a little mixture of flour and water, or cornstarch and water. Just take about two Tablespoons of flour or cornstarch and mix enough water into it to make a slurry. Slowly add a little of this into your pastry, stirring gently, until you have the liquid in the pastry to the way you like it. It will of course thicken some on its own so be very careful if you add anything else to thicken it up. Add a little black pepper to taste and you’re good to go. You could even add some of that butter that sneaked in the picture up top if you’d like to do so.

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (34)
Place the Chicken and Pastry in a big old bowl and call the family. Serve itwarm and ENJOY!


Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch. : Taste of Southern (35)

★★★★★4.8 from 13 reviews

  • Author: Steve Gordon
  • Prep Time: 1 hour
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Yield: 6-8 Servings as shown. 1x
  • Category: Main Dish, Chicken
  • Method: Stove Top
  • Cuisine: American


Follow these easy, step-by-step, photo illustrated instructions for making Chicken Pastry from scratch. There’s just something about a big bowl of Chicken Pastry that soothes the soul, anytime of the year. Whether you know it as Chicken Pastry, or as Chicken Dumplings, I think you’ll find it’s much easier to make from scratch than you might have thought. We’ve also got a printable recipe to make it even easier.



  • 1 Whole Chicken, 4-5lb average
  • 2 cups of Self-Rising Flour
  • 4 teaspoons Chicken base or granules, for broth
  • ½ teaspoon Black Pepper or to taste
  • Salt, to taste, if needed
  • Water


  1. Remove neck, gizzards and any other parts that might be inside the bird.
  2. Rinse the bird, inside and outside, under cool running water.
  3. Cut the chicken into pieces
  4. Place cut chicken in a large stock pot, cover with about 6 inches of water.
  5. Place on Medium-High heat and let come to a boil.
  6. Boil chicken about 45-55 minutes or until done.
  7. Remove chicken from water, place pieces in a pan to cool. Do not discard the water in the pot.
  8. Turn the heat off under the pot while the chicken is cooling.
  9. Allow chicken to cool enough to handle and remove chicken from bones.
  10. Skim as much fat as possible that has surfaced in the stock pot. Discard the fat.
  11. Remove ¾ cup of broth from the pot and set aside. You’ll need it to make the dough.
  12. Place the bones back in the pot and add water to cover about 2 inches.
  13. Let simmer on Medium-Low heat while you make the pastry dough.
  14. In a medium bowl, add flour and one teaspoon of salt. Sift together.
  15. Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the ¾ cup of the chicken broth.
  16. Mix together until you have a slightly moist dough ball.
  17. Generously flour your table, countertop or large cutting board.
  18. Using a rolling pin, roll the dough out to about ¼ inch thick.
  19. Use a pizza cutter or sharp knife and cut the dough into strips about 1 inch wide.
  20. Cut each strip into sections about 2 inches long.
  21. Let the dough pieces rest for about 30 minutes to dry out some.
  22. Remove the chicken bones from the stock pot.
  23. If needed, add enough water to equal about one gallon of liquid in the pot.
  24. Add chicken base or granules as needed to create a good tasting broth.
  25. Bring the chicken stock to a low boil and drop pieces of dough, one by one, into the stock.
  26. Try not to drop dough pieces on top of each other and DO NOT STIR.
  27. Add the shredded pieces of chicken to the pot.
  28. Add Black Pepper to taste.
  29. Test the pastry before adding any additional salt. Add salt if needed and stir gently.
  30. Simmer for about 15 minutes until dough pieces are fully cooked and tender.
  31. Serve warm and enjoy.

Keywords: Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch, chicken dumplings, southern chicken pastry, southern recipes, old fashioned

Your Comments: Do you know this as Chicken Pastry or Chicken Dumplings? Have you had the dumplings made using cornmeal? I’d love to hear your comments and memories about one of our favorite dishes. As I mentioned, its Chicken Pastry to me. I do hope you’ll try making it from scratch. It may take you a time or two to get it where you want it, but that’s the joy of cooking and experimenting around with recipes. You make it your own. I also hope you’ll take a few minutes and share your comments and memories in the section below. Please know that all Comments are moderated. That just means that I personally read each and every one of them before they are approved for our family friendly site here at Taste of Southern. I also reply to as many comments as possible so come on back and check out my reply as well.

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Be Blessed!!!


Tags: chicken, chicken dumplings, chicken pastry, made from scratch, main dishes, southern chicken pastry, Steve Gordon, Taste of Southern

Category: Chicken, Main Dishes

Chicken Pastry Recipe, made from scratch.  : Taste of Southern (2024)


What is the difference between northern and southern chicken and dumplings? ›

What is the difference between Southern and Northern chicken and dumplings? Old-fashioned Southern chicken dumplings are made with shortening or butter and dropped into a simmering broth. Northern dumplings are made with eggs and served with a thinner broth.

What's the difference between chicken and dumplings and chicken pastry? ›

A variant known as "chicken and pastry" or simply "chicken pastry" features wide, flat noodles rolled from biscuit dough. Where such a distinction is made, it is sometimes considered a different dish from "chicken and dumplings", which is known for small balls of dough rather than flat strips.

How do you thicken chicken pastry? ›

How to Thicken Chicken and Pastry. Debbie starts with more broth, but she also simmers the pastry for about an hour to let the broth cook down and thicken. If you want to thicken your broth even more at the end, you can just simmer the pot (uncovered) until it reaches the desired consistency.

Where did old fashioned chicken and dumplings come from? ›

Most claim the American South, or some might claim French Canadian roots. Some say what we know as American chicken and dumplings started as a cornmeal-based dough, boiled on top of turnip greens.

What are Southern dumplings made of? ›

Dumplings: In a large bowl, mix flour, salt, baking powder and shortening with a fork. Add egg and 1/2 cup milk; mix to form dough. Roll dough to 1/4-inch thickness on floured surface. Cut into four-inch strips with sharp knife.

What are the three types of dumplings? ›

Soup dumplings, which contain broth that's solid at room temperature and turns to liquid when steamed. Minced meat and/or vegetables. Sweet fillings, such as fruits, nuts, or sweetened cheese. No filling, such as solid dumplings like gnocchi or knödel.

Why are my chicken and dumplings not fluffy? ›

If it's boiling too hard, the dumpling dough can fall apart. Simmering broth might not be hot enough to raise the dumpling dough. Remove or tilt the lid after they've cooked so the dumplings don't over-steam and get soggy and dense. At least, that's the way I was taught and dumplings come out fluffy and delicious.

Why are chicken dumplings pink? ›

Chemical changes occur during cooking. Oven gases in a heated gas or electric oven react chemically with hemoglobin in the meat tissues to give it a pink tinge.

What's the difference between puff pastry and pastry dough? ›

Puff pastry is a laminated dough that gets its signature airy puff from layers of butter, while phyllo dough is comparatively low-fat. Phyllo dough includes only flour, water, vinegar, and a little oil. The fine sheets of pastry dough result in a crispy, crackly effect when layered and baked.

What does cornstarch do to pastry? ›

It is often mixed with a small amount of cold liquid to create a slurry to thicken sauces. When added to cake, cookie, pie filling and shortbread recipes, cornstarch helps create a crumbly and tender dessert-like texture. Commercially, cornstarch is often used as an anti-caking agent.

Do dumplings float when done? ›

Cover and bring to a vigorous boil. Add roughly one cup of cold water and return to boil while covered. Repeat this step again. The dumplings will be completely cooked and ready when they float on the surface of the boiling water.

Why is my pastry not crispy? ›


The first trick to a crispy pastry crust is to always use cold, almost frozen, butter. To prevent too much handling and to get small pieces of butter quickly, simply grab a grater and carefully grate the butter into your flour.

Is chicken and dumplings a southern thing? ›

By the mid-1800s, a variety of dumpling and meat dishes began to appear in southern cookbooks and a recipe of chicken stewed with dumplings was first published in 1879 by Marion Cabell Tyree in a cookbook called “Housekeeping in Old Virginia.” Many historians are also quick to point out that these recipes were cooked ...

Is chicken and dumplings a Southern dish? ›

Although chicken and dumplings is most commonly attributed to the South, it can also be found in the Midwest and may have even originated from a similar French Canadian dish that appeared in the Great Depression (says Wikipedia).

What is the American version of dumplings? ›

Originating in the Pennsylvania region the pierogies have been a staple in the city of Pittsburgh and all over western Pennsylvania. Pierogies are soft semicircular dumplings that are usually filled with potatoes or cheese. However, just like other dumplings, fillings are interchangeable depending on culture.

What is the difference between northern and southern dumplings? ›

Southern dumplings are made with shortening and are simmered in the broth. Northern dumplings — they aren't necessarily from the north, but they aren't southern dumplings so I am calling them northern — are made with butter and are steamed on the top of the pot.

What is the difference between northern dumplings and southern dumplings? ›

Southern dropped dumplings (boiled balls of dough) and Northern rolled dumplings (pastry rolled and cut into thick, flat, wide noodle shapes) emerged as the two most prominent forms of dumplings in the U.S. after the Civil War. They define the major difference between the Northern and Southern versions of this dish.

What difference was there between this dumpling in the northern and southern parts of China? ›

Unlike their Northern counterparts, Southern dumplings are traditionally steamed, which allows the flavors to meld harmoniously. The gentle steaming process ensures that the fillings retain their natural juiciness and flavors, creating an enchanting culinary experience.

Are dumplings from North or South China? ›

Broadly speaking, northern Chinese dumplings have thicker skins than those in the south, which are thinner and more translucent—think har gow, the steamed shrimp dumpling dim sum staple.

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